Assignment 10: Follow the thread

Due Thursday, December 8, before midnight

The goals for this assignment are:

  • Implement multi-thread algorithms using the pthread library

Update your repository

Do a fetch upstream to obtain the basecode for this assignment.

Using the command line

  • Open terminal and change your current directory to your assignment repository.

  • Run the command git fetch upstream

  • Run the command git merge upstream/main

Your repository should now contain a new folder named A10.

The fetch and merge commands update your repository with any changes from the original.


Implement a multi-threaded version of the mandelbrot set that you implemented for Assignment 09.

In the file, thread_mandelbrot.c, compute a program that outputs a PPM image of the mandelbrot set. You have been given basecode that initializes the following values from command line arguments. This code uses the getopt function.


  • -s <size> the image width and height

  • -l <xmin> the leftmost coordinate, e.g. minimum x value

  • -r <xmax> the rightmost coordinate, e.g. maximum x value

  • -t <ymin> the topmost coordinate, e.g. minimum y value

  • -b <ymax> the bottommost coordinate, e.g. maximum y value

When you run your program, you should get the output such as the following

$ make thread_mandelbrot
$ ./thread_mandelbrot
Generating mandelbrot with size 480x480
  X range = [-2.0000,0.4700]
  Y range = [-1.1200,1.1200]
Thread 140392055985920) sub-image block: cols (0, 240) to rows (0,240)
Thread 140392047593216) sub-image block: cols (240, 480) to rows (0,240)
Thread 140392039200512) sub-image block: cols (0, 240) to rows (240,480)
Thread 140392030807808) sub-image block: cols (240, 480) to rows (240,480)
Thread 140392055985920) finished
Thread 140392047593216) finished
Thread 140392039200512) finished
Thread 140392030807808) finished
Computed mandelbrot set (480x480) in 0.143906 seconds
Writing file: mandelbrot-480-1650116924.ppm

Requirements and hints:

  • You should re-use your PPM and mandelbrot functions from A09. If you use a 2D array of arrays, be sure to modify and commit read_ppm.h!

  • Create four threads. Each thread should process a quadrant of the image.

  • Print the ids and work tasks for each thread. You can print either the pthread_t ID, or your own given id. Above, we print the pthread_t ID. See the code from class for examples.

  • Allocate an array of pixels using malloc and then save the final image using write_ppm.

  • Do not declare global variables! Use parameters to send data to each thread’s start_routine.

  • You should output the number of seconds needed to compute the image. Use this class example, matrix.c for an example. The performance should be comparable to your multi_mandelbrot version from A09.

  • Your output filename should have the format mandelbrot-<size>-<timestamp>.ppm. The timestamp can be obtained by calling time(0).

  • Set a random seed to ensure that the color palette is different each time, e.g. srand(time(0))


In the file, buddhabrot.c, compute a program that outputs a PPM image of the Buddhabrot using multiple threads.

The Buddhabrot visualizes the trajectory of each point (x,y) as it escapes the mandelbrot set. The color of each pixel represents the probability of a point (x,y) visiting it while we calculate whether or not it belongs to the mandelbrot set.

Computing the Buddhabrot set requires three steps:

  • First, determine whether a point is in the mandelbrot set. Recall the points within the set remain less than 2*2 and are given a black color. Store whether a point escapes as a boolean in its own 2D array.

  • Second, for the points that do escape, you must update counts for each (x,y) coordinate visited. Store these counts in its own 2D array. Also keep track of the max count for any pixel.

  • Third, you must turn the counts from step 2 into a color. The final colors should be written to a 2D array of ppm_pixel (either flat or an array of arrays) and then written.

Each of the above steps can be parallelized using threads. The second step will require a mutex to ensure that the counts are set correctly. Below are suggested algorithms for computing each step.

Step 1: Determine mandelbrot set membership

for each row in the image
   for each col in the image
      xfrac = row / image_size
      yfrac = col / image_size
      x0 = xmin + xfrac * (xmax - xmin)
      y0 = ymin + yfrac * (ymax - ymin)

      x = 0
      y = 0
      iter = 0
      while (iter < MAX && x*x + y*y < 2*2)
        xtmp = x*x - y*y + x0
        y = 2*x*y + y0
        x = xtmp

      if (iter < MAX) // escaped
        set membership at (row,col) to false
        set membership at (row,col) to true

Step 2: Compute visited counts

for each row in the image
   for each col in the image
      if (row,col) belongs to the mandelbrot set, continue

      xfrac = row / image_size
      yfrac = col / image_size
      x0 = xmin + xfrac * (xmax - xmin)
      y0 = ymin + yfrac * (ymax - ymin)

      x = 0
      y = 0
      while (x*x + y*y < 2*2)
        xtmp = x*x - y*y + x0
        y = 2*x*y + y0
        x = xtmp

        yrow = round(size * (y - ymin)/(ymax - ymin))
        xcol = round(size * (x - xmin)/(xmax - xmin))
        if (yrow < 0 || yrow >= size) continue; // out of range
        if (xcol < 0 || xcol >= size) continue; // out of range

        increment count at (yrow, xcol)
        update max count

Step 3: Compute colors

gamma = 0.681
factor = 1.0/gamma
for each row in the image
   for each col in the image
      value = 0

      if counts at (row,col) are greater than zero
        value = log(counts[row][col]) / log(max_count)
        value = pow(value, factor) = value * 255 = value * 255 = value * 255

      write color to image at location (row,col)

Each thread should compute the three steps on a quadrant of the image. Below is a suggested outline for your thread’s start routine.

void * start(void* data) {

  // perform step 1
  // perform step 2

  // use a thread barrier to wait for all threads to finish steps 1 and 2
  // perform step 3

$ ./buddhabrot
Generating buddhabrot with size 480x480
  Num processes = 4
  X range = [-2.5000,1.0000]
  Y range = [-1.1200,1.1200]
  Generating mandelbrot with size 480x480
  X range = [-2.0000,1.0000]
  Y range = [-1.1200,1.1200]
Thread 140583141971712) sub-image block: cols (0, 240) to rows (0,240)
Thread 140583133579008) sub-image block: cols (240, 480) to rows (0,240)
Thread 140583125186304) sub-image block: cols (0, 240) to rows (240,480)
Thread 140583116793600) sub-image block: cols (240, 480) to rows (240,480)
Thread 140583141971712) finished
Thread 140583133579008) finished
Thread 140583125186304) finished
Thread 140583116793600) finished
Computed buddhabrot set (480x480) in 0.123721 seconds
Writing file: buddhabrot-480-1650141479.ppm

buddhabrot 2000 1650142988

Requirements and hints:

  • You should re-use your PPM and mandelbrot functions from A09. If you use a 2D array of arrays, be sure to modify and commit read_ppm.h!

  • Each thread should run all three steps on a quadrant of the image.

  • You will need a pthread_barrier_t to wait for all counts to be computed before computing the colors

  • Notice that the range of x and y might need to be larger to see the probability distribution

  • Use mutex to compute the counts

  • You should output the number of seconds needed to compute the image. Use this class example, matrix.c for an example.

  • Your output filename should have the format buddhabrot-<size>-<timestamp>.ppm. The timestamp can be obtained by calling time(0).

  • You may use global variables for this program.

Above, we compute a greyscale mandelbrot. To add colors, compute counts for the red, green, and blue channels separately, using different values for maxIterations in each. For example the following image used 5000 for red, 500 for green, and 50 for blue.
buddhabrot Small
Other chaotic sets can be visualized in the same way as the Buddhabrot. To see more, read about Fractal Frames.

Submit your work

Submit both your code and images.

1) Push your code work to github

$ git status
$ git add .
$ git status
$ git commit -m "assignment complete"
$ git status
$ git push
$ git status